Weber-Isis® Mer-Ka-Ba Ball (gold-plated)

Access to higher dimensions

The Weber-Isis® Mer-Ka-Ba sphere with its torus-shaped energy field. The torus field surrounds all forms of living organisms in the universe as well as in the multiverse: every galaxy, every solar system, every planet, every living being (human, animal, plant and mineral). In addition, the torus field is also the living energy field of every universe in the multiverse.

Eckhard Weber: "The name says it all: the task that the Weber-Isis Light Body Transformer can do for you on the go, the Mer-Ka-Ba Sphere Maxi can do in the house, and the Mer-Ka-Ba Sphere Mini for a larger room. You can create an external Mer-Ka-Ba field with a torus-shaped energy field. As mentioned with the Light Body Transformer, a device with such power is not 'without'. On the one hand, the energy field created during a Mer-Ka-Ba meditation can be held longer with the Mer-Ka-Ba Sphere Mini and Maxi. On the other hand, due to the probably established connection to the 4th dimension (time) and to even further higher dimensions, things one does not want can materialize very quickly (energy follows attention)! Positive affirmations and manifestations very likely as well. Whoever works with the light-body-transformer or with the Mer-Ka-Ba-balls should therefore have gained some awareness about himself. So please be very mindful with them. Those who use them should already have developed some qualities of the heart and, for example, already be in compassion.

With the help of the Mer-Ka-Ba spheres Mini and Maxi you can probably become more intuitive and "feeling", your heart chakra and the 5th heart chamber can possibly be opened and you can probably enter into the Christ or Unity consciousness. Followers of the prevailing sciences will not be able to prove efficacy metrologically. I myself and my long-time customers who own the Mer-Ka-Ba-Ball Maxi (which has been available in this form since 2006) know, however, even without measurements of this kind, what this device is very likely to be able to do. By the way, I also call the spheres "initiation or Christ spheres" or "spheres for the experience of the higher worlds" because of the experiences made with them.

The Weber-Isis® Mer-Ka-Ba balls Maxi and Mini in size comparison

Possibly the Mer-Ka-Ba-Ball Mini and Maxi and the wooden stand represent the erection of the backbone of Osiris, who is considered the first resurrected man in Egyptian mythology. The beech wood of the upright probably represents the female principle here.

Structure and Principle

The Mer-Ka-Ba-Ball probably gets its special power from the spherical geometrical form radiation and the vibration of the 9 rings. They are made of polished and gold-plated solid brass. If you look through the grooves of the Mer-Ka-Ba sphere Maxi, you can see that 4 grooves each form a step pyramid. Together they form two round four-step stepped pyramids, one on top of the other. We see in this the squaring of the circle, which can be clearly seen in the two-dimensional construction drawing. 

Another important detail is the wooden stand made of beech wood, which with its hyperbolic radius takes up and complements the geometry of the balls. The Mer-Ka-Ba sphere Mini has a diameter of 5.42 cm, which corresponds to 3/4 x 7.23 cm (cosmic key). Together, the wooden stand and the Mer-Ka-Ba-Ball Mini reach a height of 12.65 cm, which corresponds to a value of 1.75 x 7.23 cm (cosmic key). The Mer-Ka-Ba-Ball Maxi has a diameter of 9.03 cm, which corresponds to a value of 11/4 x 7.23 cm (cosmic key). Together, the wooden stand and the Mer-Ka-Ba sphere Maxi reach a height of 21.69 cm, which corresponds to a value of 3 x 7.23 cm (Cosmic Key).


The Mer-Ka-Ba spheres Mini and Maxi can probably help to build up and stabilize an external Mer-Ka-Ba field with the geometry of a torus-shaped energy field. In this regard, the Mer-Ka-Ba sphere Mini can deploy a radiation field with a radius of 4m radius or 8m in diameter, and in the case of the Mer-Ka-Ba sphere Maxi, a radiation field with a radius of 12m, i.e. 24m in diameter.

Possible advantages:

  • Creation of a suspected external Mer-Ka-Ba field, a counter-rotating light force field with the geometry of a torus-shaped energy field may become possible
  • Clarification or/and dissolution of probably indoctrinated blockades is possible
  • Possible mood lightening through the gold alloy can become possible (Aurum is also used in homeopathy for possible mood lightening)
  • Harmonization of all kinds of possible disharmonious conditions
  • Access to suspected higher dimensional worlds is possible
  • Strengthening of thought power can become possible 
  • Probable leap in consciousness can become possible

The Mer-Ka-Ba-Balls Mini & Maxi cannot replace the Isis-Beamer! However, both can be used well together, but should be placed with a minimum distance of 4 - 5 meters.

NOTE: Please note that the spheres are not firmly attached to the stand and should therefore be transported separately from it. Unfortunately, it has already happened to some customers that they wanted to transport the balls and they unfortunately fell out of the wooden stand in the process. In 99% of these cases this led to a bending of the radiation ribs and thus to a total loss. A repair is not possible in this case. Unfortunately, we can no longer straighten the bent ribs.


The torus-shaped energy field

The torus field surrounds every galaxy, every planet and every living thing in the cosmos. Many plants and vegetables grow according to this pattern and form their shapes according to the torus energy field. The torus is the first form that arises from the pattern of creation and that results when the pattern of genesis is completed.

The torus is absolutely unique among all existing forms because it is able to rotate within itself - and around itself. Already in 2001, the torus field inside the star tetrahedron and the complete body of light surrounding all life forms was shown to us in some crop circles in England.

The Earth's magnetic field also forms a torus-shaped energy field.

A galaxy has a torus-shaped energyfield and evolves within it.

Torus field of an apple and torus field of a pepper.

Graphic of a three-dimensional ring torus.

Top view of a ring torus appearing as a crop circle on July 11, 1997 at Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire, England. Photo by Steve Alexander.

Graphic of the crop circle at Pegsdon on May 28, 2001

Graphic of the crop circle at Barton-Le-Clay on July 12, 2001

Torus-shaped energy field inside the star tetrahedron field with UFO shape of the Merkaba field and spiral energy flow of the torus-shaped energy field, with pentagonal alignment to the Christ grid.

Torus shaped energy fields are confirmed from higher dimensions by the crop circle messages:

"The all-seeing 4 ray-eyes, with 4 ray-circles each, embedded in a fish-bubble (Vesica Piscis, or also called "Mandorla" or "God-form from the first day of creation"), with the 3 torus-energy-fields". Appeared as a crop circle on July 20, 2008, Hillside Farm, Wiltshire, England. Photo: Steve Alexander.

Diagram of crop circle at Hillside Farm, Wiltshire, England. 20. July 2008. In this diagram you can see the three torus-shaped energy fields, with the main field in the middle of the crop circle having a diamond-shaped grid (for comparison see the diagram before: "Torus-shaped energy field inside the star tetrahedron field with UFO shape of the Merkaba field).

The complete torus-shaped energy field from the light body of the human being, with star tetrahedron energy field with UFO shape (unity) of the Merkaba field, as well as the pentagonal alignment with the Christ grid, as well as the complete torus-shaped energy field of all living beings in the universe. At the same time, it is also the living torus-shaped energy field of a universe in the multiverse. Even the multiverse has a huge torus-shaped energy field. The multiverse is a torus-bearing entity. Even the woman's uterus has the shape of a torus.

This torus field must be thought of as a doughnut centered on each Mer-Ka-Ba UFO shape used by the ensouling spirit. Sometimes the ensouling spirits run many Mer-Ka-Bas at the same time, usually resulting in the "wheels within wheels". This image has been seen and described by many biblical prophets in appearances of higher beings, including Ezekiel. U.S. researcher Stan Tenen found that the various letters of all our languages image when a snail spiral is placed inside a three-dimensional tetrahedron and illuminated from different positions.

So language was the first thing that creation produced. In a new creation to come, will we become co-creators in our universe who can create independent creations or universes through language, sounds, tones, manifestations and frequencies? Was this what Jesus Christ meant when he said, "You will follow me and do greater things than I?" Top views of torus fields have already been given to us on July 11, 1997 with the Torus Corn Circle sign at Alton Barnes (Wiltshire, England) and on August 13, 2000 with the "Geometric Sunflower" at Woodborough Hill (Wiltshire, England). Photos of the crop circles below: Steve Alexander.

Fig. left: Ring-torus (donut) with superimposed spiral geometry of the Golden Section spiral represented by the crop circle at Woodborough Hill on August 13, 2000 and the crop circle at Pewsey on July 17, 2000.
Fig. right: The ring-torus geometry, appeared as a crop circle at Woodborough Hill on August 13, 2000, Wiltshire, England.

Fig. above: The next stage of twisted genesis patterns with torus geometry, appeared on 11 August 2002 at Etchhillhampton, Wiltshire, England. Diameter: about 80m.
The snail-shaped ring torus, appeared as a crop circle, on July 17, 2002 near Pewsey, Wiltshire, England. Diameter: about 60m.

"The full torus energy field from the light body of man and planet Earth", appeared as a crop circle, July 20, 2006, Straight Soley, Berkshire, England.

The Mer-Ka-Ba

The Weber-Isis® Mer-Ka-Ba Sphere Maxi can probably build up a torus field just like the large Weber-Isis Mer-Ka-Ba Sphere Maxi and possibly stabilize and harmonize the Mer-Ka-Ba field (star-tetrahedron field) inherent in humans in the process.

Every body probably has an energetic "copy". This presumed perfect copy contains all possible information about the body as it originally, i.e. perfectly and healthily existed. The Weber Isis Mer-Ka-Ba spheres Maxi and Maxi can probably activate this total blueprint. The energy field that the Weber-Isis Mer-Ka-Ba spheres probably activate possibly corresponds to that of the fourth dimension. This means, among other things, that our thoughts can become reality more quickly. This can make it important for everyone to control and master their thoughts to a large extent. We therefore recommend the Weber-Isis Mer-Ka-Ba balls mainly for people who consciously enter into the light body process. They can probably harmonize this process and can possibly bring help, support and stability with physical as well as possible psychic symptoms that can occur through the light body process.

The star-tetrahedron of the Mer-Ka-Ba, with directional indication for man and woman.

The graphic images illustrate the placement of man and woman within the geometric shape. When the Mer-Ka-Ba energy field is activated, it can begin to rotate and can reach, for example, an extension of 9 m on the right and 9 m on the left for a person with a height of 1.80 m. This is similar to a "UFO". This resembles a "UFO" shape and corresponds to the heat shield of a galaxy. Due to the special energetic programming of the Weber-Isis Mer-Ka-Ba spheres Maxi and Maxi, all degenerative conditions in the body, which have already healed on the gross material level, can very probably be regenerated on the fine material level, and can thus make themselves felt once again. The presumably strong energy field of the Weber-Isis Mer-Ka-Ba spheres Maxi and Maxi and the cosmic connection possibly arising from it can probably cause a clear improvement of their extrasensory perception with sensitive and mediumistic people.

"The Star Tetrahedron of the Mer-Ka-Ba", or: the "Light-Spirit-Body", crop circle of 01 July 2012 near Liddington Castle, Wiltshire, England. Photo: Steve Alexander.

From the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas, chapter 22, saying 21:
"And Jesus said, If thou shalt make the two one, and if thou shalt make the inward as the outward - and the outward as the inward, and the above as the below, and if thou shalt make the male and the female one and the same, then shalt thou enter into the kingdom of God!" With this sentence he accurately described the star tetrahedron fields of the Merkaba.

The Mer-Ka-Ba energy field in UFO form

In Hebrew as well as in Egyptian the same name is used for it. Mer = light, Ka = spirit, Ba = body. This means a light-spirit-body. The Mer-Ka-Ba can be imagined as a vehicle made of light (also called a god chariot), the mastery of which presumably allows one to transcend time, space and dimensions. This vehicle of light (light body) is probably not separate from the organism, but probably represents an important component of the body, which is probably contained in every cell as a holographic resonance. The rotation of the star tetrahedra can build up the Mer-Ka-Ba field. With the setting up of the Weber Isis Mer-Ka-Ba spheres, the star tetrahedra can probably begin to rotate and the living Mer-Ka-Ba- field can probably be set up and kept stable. The presumed geometric shape of the energy field can take on a saucer-like UFO appearance as it rotates. This state is probably best described by the term "unity". The dynamic shape of the Mer-Ka-Ba can be a powerful resonance symbol. As a spiral nebula with rotational arms and as a UFO, they are probably deeply engraved in the consciousness matrix of humanity.

In the case of the Sombrero Galaxy, 14 million light years away, (©NASA) in the constellation Virgo, we are looking closely at the heat shield of this galaxy as seen from the side. The central part is unusually extended. We can see that the upper part is larger than the lower one, which is due to the different rotation velocities of the stellar tetrahedra.

In the case of the Sombrero Galaxy, 14 million light years away, (©NASA) in the constellation Virgo, we are looking closely at the heat shield of this galaxy as seen from the side.

The human being in the second unfolded energy field of the star tetrahedron, the "Merkaba" (the UFO form). © Caroline Esser. If the normal body height is approx. 1,8m, then the extension of the Merkaba field is about 9m to the left and 9m to the right.

The human being in the third perfect energy field of the star tetrahedron, the "Merkaba",with aura energy fields, star tetrahedron, UFO shape and 12 chakra system. © Caroline Esser.

Alignment of the Mer-Ka-Ba with the Christ Consciousness Grid
Usually, alchemy speaks only of fire, earth, air and water; it rarely speaks of ether or prana. The reason for this is that it is so sacred. The
word "dodecahedron" was so sacred in the school of Pythagoras that one would very likely have had the most serious problems with the initiates if one had uttered the word outside the school of Pythagoras. Religious debates about it were impossible. During Plato's lifetime, two hundred years later, he did speak about it, though very guardedly. The reason for this is because the dodecahedron is probably near the outer limit of our energy field and was probably the highest form of consciousness. It probably forms a sphere when you get outside the 16.5 - meter boundary of our energy field.

The male and female alignment of the Mer-Ka-Ba with the Christ Consciousness Grid

The very closest form within the sphere is the dodecahedron (better expressed, the relationship between the icosahedron and the dodecahedron). Furthermore, we probably live in a giant dodecahedron that sustains our universe. Should our minds eventually stretch to reach the end of space - and it probably has an end - they will probably find a dodecahedron enclosed by a sphere. The human body probably contains the same principles of the universe, and can probably be called a hologram of it. The twelve signs of the zodiac probably fit in here, and so do the constellations that go with them. Since the dodecahedron is probably the terminus of the geometric forms, it is probably very important. The dodecahedron and icosahedron are probably, at the microscopic level, the relational parameters of DNA, the blueprint of all life. If you connect certain presumed energy points of the Earth, you probably get the dodecahedron, the basic shape of the presumed Christ consciousness grid that spans the entire Earth. The intersections of this grid were probably occupied by the two great powers for tactical reasons during the Cold War. The overcoming of matter (resurrection) can possibly take place via a geometric vehicle called the Mer-Ka-Ba. The dodecahedron probably represents a stage of the Mer-Ka-Ba.

Earth's Pentagonal Energy Structure and Alignments.

The Human Being, The Ufo Form of the Mer-Ka-Ba, The Masculine and Feminine Alignment of the Mer-Ka-Ba to the Christ Consciousness Grid.

"Double Pentagram with Pentagon", appeared as a crop circle on August 8, 1998 near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, England. Photo by Lucy Pringle

Confirmation of the pentagonal Mer-Ka-Ba from higher dimensional levels by the crop circle message. The perfect cosmic human with new DNA code and the pentagonal Mer-Ka-Ba vehicle.

These signs are enclosed by a pentagon, which in turn is enclosed by a twisted pentagon. Avebury, Wiltshire, England, dated 6 July 2003. Photo: Steve Alexander

The so-called light body process
Personality is probably made up of three energy fields and their possible contents. The combination of a suspected field and its possible content is called a "body". The presumed spirit self probably projects or manifests out of its own energy three bodies

  • the manifested physical body
  • the presumed emotional body
  • the presumed mental body

energy is presumably arranged in standing waves in an envelope so that they can form the three energy bodies. A fourth body, the spiritual body, forms a bridge between these three lower bodies and the mind. The fact that all four bodies are formed of the same material is, as we shall see later, of paramount importance. First comes the physical body. In what form it manifests is influenced by many factors. At the moment of conception, two complete strands of DNA fused, creating a third. As the egg divided and the cells formed, conscious energy units helped form first subatomic particles and then atoms and molecules. This process was overseen by patterns stored in DNA - namely the "overall blueprint" for the physical body. Scientists have so far only been able to decipher a fraction of the millions of pieces of information stored in DNA. DNA can be thought of as a series of proteins, but like a hologram, it should be read in its entirety to get the maximum benefit from it. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the conscious energy that forms the cells reads the DNA. It decodes it to find out what kind of cell is to be built. The growing cells, which are also conscious in their own way, tune into the blueprint for the physical body and the simultaneous future to receive guidance for their growth. They self-organize and attract other energy units to form the necessary atoms and multiply within the parent shell to perform the function set forth in the DNA.

The consciousness of a cell that wants to develop into a liver cell, for example, attracts energies and divides to form more liver cells. As it develops physically, it multiplies in the ever-growing standing wave set up for the liver. At the beginning of pregnancy the growth is very rapid and then slows down towards the end of pregnancy. The growth continues for a few more years and eventually stops. Only dead and damaged cells are replaced from then on. The physical body is built of standing waves within standing waves. The body consciousness forms out and shapes atoms, molecules, cells, and organs under the guidance of the spirit self as well as some sort of future version of the body (which acts as a blueprint).

After the body is created and reaches its full size, it does not remain on its own until its time will be up. The energy that forms the particles of the body is renewed millions of times every second. In fact, the body is constantly being recreated in accordance with the blueprints in the DNA and the mental blueprints - the thought images - that you have about your body. The body is a wonderful entity. It has its own consciousness and can regulate itself excellently. However, it looks to the greater "you" and expects "inputs" from it. Through resonance, the thoughts and feelings everyone has about themselves have enormous influence on the body's consciousness. Fear of illness and death can very likely program it for illness. Similarly, thoughts of good health and enjoyment of life (positive thinking) can probably program the body to possibly activate its self-healing powers. These forces can probably fix distortions in cell DNA (possibly the often the cause of disease and illness, which can sometimes be linked to the aging process). These explanations may not even begin to reveal how complicated the processes really are. Even the briefest reflection on how you are very likely to grow your body would leave you in awe of yourself.

This very reductive description can only have the purpose of showing that the body you may think is solid is actually energy, probably arranged in a series of standing waves, which to the physical senses may be subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells and organs, and finally the whole body. Each unit of energy may be fully aware of its role and probably participates joyfully and in accordance with the picture of reality probably in the structure known as one's body. It may be surprising to hear that the body is very likely conscious, but it may not be conscious in the sense in which you understand that term. The body probably knows, for example, how to make its heart beat, digest food, and possibly heal itself. It is aware of the cycles of the moon, the planets, and the stars. He probably uses these cycles and adapts to them. Finally, he is probably composed of conscious energy that comes from what is probably a tremendously large planetary field. What is thought to be consciousness is actually a mixture of different kinds of consciousness (although they are ultimately one)

  • subatomic consciousness, which is presumably aware of the vast cosmic fields and probably interacts within them with all other subatomic consciousness.
  • presumed cellular consciousness, which is based on the blueprints and can be impregnated with the life experiences, thoughts and feelings.
  • Body consciousness, which is presumably the overall form of cellular consciousness, to which a few ideas of its own are added (the self-image of the physical body , however, probably depends largely on the beliefs of the mental body ).
  • Feelings that are flowing through one in the moment and are probably overlaid with past emotions that one holds onto instead of letting them flow.
  • Thoughts and beliefs that one may be using to structure reality (realize that probably any belief can only represent one opinion about reality).
  • Spiritual awareness, intuition or direct cognition.

This latter aspect is roughly equivalent to what is often called universal consciousness. Actually, it is probably part of a hidden blueprint from which reality presumably flows and which may contain -among other things- the archetypes of the species, that is, the heroic aspects of humanity. Through this presumed "connective tissue" for physical reality, one probably has access to other cells, other places, and other dimensions.

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